James Yates is a Speaker, High Performance Coach & Entrepreneur.
He specialises in human performance, leadership, wellbeing, marketing, sales, & business development and has worked extensively with Entrepreneurs, Network Marketers and Athletes to create peak performance.
James’ live educational & high impact events, courses, retreats, mentoring and online communities have been built on personal, practical experiences as an entrepreneur.
His company, REIGNITE creates unique solutions & transformational experiences that support the evolution of consciousness & the expansion of human potential.
With this experience, James is an in demand speaker, sharing these insights and wisdom with a unique, impactful and thought provocative style and has spoken at hundreds of events across Africa, Europe, USA, Australia, NZ & Asia.
James has received praise for a variety of his professional accomplishments, including being recognised as one of the world’s TOP 3 Home Business Trainers as well as previously being the number 1 sales recruiter for 2 x large multinational companies which resulted in him developing teams that have turned over multiple millions of dollars in annual sales.
He is extremely passionate about helping as many people as possible to live their calling and to do what they love, and has countless testimonials from people who have gained a transformation from working with him.
James lives in Australia with his young family and travels regularly to run Reignite’s events, workshops and retreats in locations all over the world.